Thursday, May 29, 2008

Penguat Iman

Barusan gw browsing soal perempuan menyusui yang harus mengalami business travel. Perginya emang cuma sebentar, gak sampai sebulan gitu, tapi tetep aja pergi. Pergi artinya ngabisin stok. Pergi artinya mesti nyiapin stok cukup besar.

Pasti di belahan dunia lain ada perempuan yang menghadapi hal-hal seperti gw. Semakin gw baca, semakin gw menemukan keyakinan baru. Bepergian gak boleh jadi penghalang keinginan ASI eksklusif. Mungkin alternatif DHL mesti dijajaki dengan serius. Mahal DHL cuma sesekali, mahal harga susu formula lebih panjang nyeselnya, hihihi.

Si ibu ini misalnya, oke juga. Lumayan inspiratif dan membangkitkan semangat.
I just returned from a 3-day business trip and successfully transported over 50 oz of breast milk. It wasn't easy, but well worth it. Here's what I did. I brought with me 2 large soft insulated bags (the kind that your can carry bottles in and can use the freezer packs with - I suppose you could take a small cooler, but that seemd to bulky for me), 6 freezer packs (I used the hard ones that come with the medella pump), some large Ziploc plastic bags and as many bottles as you think you need to store the milk (obviously bring the largest bottles you have).

Yang ini juga oke.
Yes, you can travel for work and continue to breastfeed your baby! I returned to a travel-intensive job when my son Sam was four months old. Six months and several overnight business trips later, we are still a happy nursing couple. Here are some ideas that helped me keep breastfeeding when my job took me out of town.

Untungnya gw udah email DHL yang di Malaysia. Mudah-mudahan segera mendapat pencerahan yang berarti. Kalaupun gak bisa buat sekarang, pasti informasi ini berguna buat esok lusa.

DHL pastilah gak terasa mahal dibandingin ngeliat senyum Senja abis menyusui, hohoho.

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